Friday 12 January 2018


·         Very short answer questions
1.         Law of reflection states that:
            a) angle of reflection is equal to angle of incidence
            b)  angle of reflection is less than  angle of incidence
            c) angle of reflection is more than angle of incidence
            d) any of the above can happen
2..        Arrange the order of the colours in a rainbow:
indigo, blue, green, violet, red, yellow
3.         Images that can be formed on a screen are called:
4.         When you see your image in a plane mirror, the size of the  image _____________.
5.         On seeing in a plane mirror , the left part becomes right and the 
    right part becomes left. This phenomenon is called:
·         Short Answer questions
6.         What do you mean by dispersion of light?Explain through diagram.
7.         Draw a  diagram to show regular and irregular reflection.
8.         Unscramble to get the terms related to LIGHT
a)    RORMI –
b)    LNESE –
c)    GEIMA –
d)    RNOAML–
9.         What are the two types of reflection? Write difference between them.
·         Long answer questions
10        .Look at the diagram and answer.

a)    Which phenomenon is depicted in the figure?
b)    Define the process.
c)    What will be obtained on white screen?
d)Write the sequence of the colours.
11.       What are the laws of reflection ?Explain through diagram

·         Very short answer questions
1    Analogy type
a.    Insulator :rubber  :: Coductor: __________
b.    Which symbols represent ‘switch’ and ‘electric cell’?
3     Current :ampere::voltage :_________________
4     Nichrome is used for making fuse wires.(true/false)
5     Expand MCB.
·         Short Answer questions
6     Sanjana while buying an electric fuse learnt that MCB is better than that. Can you help her to know the reason? 
7     Draw a simple circuit diagram with a battery, a switch, conducting wire and a bulb.
8     Look at the diagram and answer.

a)    Which of the above shows open circuit?.
b)    In which case the bulb would glow?
·         Give reason for your answer
9.   It is always observed that copper wires are not used in the filament of abulb or a heating element of heater.
a)Give reason for above mentioned fact.
b)what will happen if we use a thick tungsten wire in an electric bulb..

a) Name this device.           
b) Can it be used as electromagnet?.
c) How would you increase its strength? Mention two ways..
            d) Why it is called temporary magnet?            
e) Mention two uses of electromagnet
     11.  Draw diagram of Open and closed .circuit
a. Explain about it
b. What are three conditions necessary for electric current to flow?.
      12. Dev  observed that  many switches of  his home are  worn out, insulations are  broken,         
            loose  connection  etc. He immediately informed his father about  this. His  father called  up            
            the electrician and  get  the  repairing  done. Dev  noticed  that electrician  wore the  rubber   
            gloves  before  repairing. Answer  the  following  on  the  basis  of above  mentioned 
i. Why   do electricians  use  rubber gloves while doing work?
ii .Write  any  one precaution to avoid hazards  of  electricity.
iii. Which quality of  Dev do you  depict from  the  passage? 
     13.  If   we   keep a piece of  soft  iron inside  the  coil and  pass electric current  through the 
           coil. Such magnet is   called an electromagnet .Write any two uses of it.

·         Very short answer questions
1          Name the process of heat transfer that involves the actual movement of molecules. 
2..        Black colour is a __________ absorber of heat.
3.         Pick the odd one out and give reason    
Conduction, convection, radiation, transmission
4.         Which   of  the  following  is  not related to heat.
5.         The three methods of energy flow are   interchangeable.(true/false)
·         Short Answer questions
6              Jai noticed a constriction in the thermometer near metal bulb.Help him to know the name and significance of constriction.
7.         Why do we prefer wearing light coloured clothes?
8          Guess who am I?
a.      Fastest mode of heat transfer_______________
b.      A liquid used in thermometer. _______________
9.    Rohan prefers to use two thin blankets to one thick blanket to keep himself warm. Why does he do so? Why does it happen?
10.       Digital thermometers have replaced the mercury based thermometer now a days.
            a.   In what ways digital thermometers are better than mercury       based thermometers.
            b.    Tell the normal body temperature of human beings.
11 .     a) What are the precautions to be taken while reading a clinical thermometer? Write any three.
           b) What are the different measuring scales of temperature?

12        Ananya was down with fever and went to see the doctor. While Using thermometer she saw the  
           doctor giving jerks to the thermometer. Solve her following queries:
           i. Why do we give jerks to thermometer?
           ii. State any two reasons to use mercury in the thermometer.
           iii. Can we use lab thermometer as clinical thermometer? Give reason for your answer.
13.       Write three modes of Heat Transfer and one application of each.
14.       Draw a well labelled diagram of sea breeze
15.       Answer the following questions on the basis of figure given:
           a) Name the process shown in the figure.
            b)Define  the process.
           c)Give a real life example where this process is observed.
16. Give reason
           a)Slabs of ice are covered with gunny bags to prevent from melting.
           b)The clinical thermometer is dipped in an antiseptic solution before use.
          c)Clinical thermometers can not be used for lab purposes.
17.          Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:-
Two thin blankets joined together will have a layer of_____. This layer is  ___conductor of heat. It prevents ___ from going away and keep us warm

·         Very short answer questions
1.    Analogy type
            ovary :  fruit ::ovules- _________
2.    Seeds with wings are dispersed by____________(self explosion/wind). 
3.    Which   of  the  following  is  not a  means  of  asexual reproduction
4.    .Pollen  grains  are  the  male  gametes of  a flower.(true/false)
5.    .The  seeds  are  developed from (ovule/ovary)
·         Short Answer questions
6.    Give two e.g of each:
a)plants reproduced through root    __________,________
b) plants reproduced through stem  __________,_________
7.    a) distinguish between Unisexual and Bisexual flower with e.g
b) What will happen if pollen of rose gets deposited on stigmas of lily flower ?will pollen germination take place?why? 
8.    When   anthers   are mature ,they rupture  and  burst   open ,releasing   X.The  pollen   grain being   light  are  carried   away by  agents  like Y.They land   on  stigma   of  the  same   flower  or  different  flower .This  process is called   Z.Name   X,YandZ.
9.    Artificial   propagation  has  become  very  common  amongst  farmers..State   anytwo   advantages   of it.
10. China  rose  is considered to  be  a complete  flower.Give  reason.

11.  Draw a well labelled diagram of flower and its parts.
12. Differentiate between self pollination and cross pollination with the help of diagram.
13. What do you mean by dispersal of seeds.mention any four methods with example.
14. Budding  is   a  kind  of asexual   reproduction shown by  yeast .Draw  the  diagram   to  explain  the  process.
15. All the seeds are  never  found  directly below  the  mother  plant .They  are scattered over  a  large  area
i.Define   seed  dispersal.
ii.What  would  happen  if  all seeds of  a plant were  to fall  directly below  the  mother  plant?
iii.Explain  any  two  ways by  which  the  seeds are  dispersed.
Vegetative propagation  has  been observed  in  higher plant   groups.
i.What  is  vegetative  propagation?
iiWrite  its  two  advantages.
Iii Explain  about  any  two organs  of  vegetative  propagation.

·         Very short answer questions
1.    .Why is the land near the equator hotter than those on higher or lower altitude?
2.    Define Relative Humidity.
3.    What is eye of the cyclone?
Unscramble the following to get correct terms
i..AROPL(Coolest region on earth)
ii.UMHIITYD(water vapour in atmosphere)
iii.REBLUUB(Insulates the body)
iv.MATLICE(weather condition for long time)
4.    Elephant does a number of task with its trunk.Can you mention any four functions of trunk.
Text Box:  5.In the winter break,Himanshi visited Okhla bird sanctuary.The guide told her pointing a beautiful  white bird that it’s a migratory bird came from colder region.:
i.Name the bird.
ii.What is migration?
iii.Write any two adaptive features of this bird..
5.    Polar bears are able to survive in extreme cold climate of poles.List any three adaptive features of this animal.

·         Very short answer questions
1.    Correct the following statement
Formation of manure from leaves is a physical change.
___2.______is the formula of rust.   
(a)  CuSO4                      (b) FeSO4                       (c) MgO                         (d) none
3.         Pick the odd one out
            Melting of ice,folding paper, boiling egg,boiling water
6.    Vinegar+baking soda ---------------_____________+_____________
7.    When  Mg burns in the air ________ is formed     
CuSO4                      (b) FeSO4                       (c) MgO                         (d) none
8.    Pick the odd one out
Melting of ice,folding paper, boiling egg,boiling water
9.    Tick  the physical   change (ripening  of  fruits/formation   of  clouds)
10. Write  the  chemical formula formula of salt and  green vitriol.

·         Short Answer questions
11. Sumeet noticed  that  Iron  articles  get  destroyed  on   exposure   of humid environment.What  could  be the           reason   of   it  in your  opinion?
12. Riya and Jiya were trying to make paper boat.Riya folded the paper and made boat where as Jiya cut the paper and gave it the shape of boat.Do you think in both the cases same kind of changes occur.Justify your answer.       
13. Sheetal saw her mother cutting brinjel and noticed that it takes up brown colouration when exposed to air.Help her to know the reason.
14. Complete the following reaction:
a)     2Mg + O2
b)    MgO + H2O   
15. Which one is a chemical change and why?     
Change A –Animal waste is acted upon by anaerobic bacteria to produce biogas
Change B – condensation of steam
16. Read the clues and complete the word by filling appropriate letters:
a)It is a process of depositing reddish brown material on iron
___ ____ ___ T __ ____ ___
b) It is a process of depositing a layer of zinc  on iron article
____ A ___ V ____ _____ _____ ______A _____ _______ ____ _____
c)The processs by which an impure compound is converted into a crystal
___ R_____ __ ___ ___ _ ____ _________  ______ ____ T ____ ____ ____

17. Complete the following table:             
Type of change
New substances forned/
No new substance formed
Melting of wax

Melting of ice

Chopping vegetables

Burning of paper

18. Complete the table:
i.Making fruit salad

Ii making paper boat

Iii burning of Mg ribbon


19. Rusting is the process of deposition of red flaky layer on iron.Explain why does rusting occur?give any  four  ways to prevent it.

20. Complete the crossword:
3.An indication of chemical change
4.substances present on the right hand side of chemical equation
5.solids in their purest form
Down new substances if formed in such a change an exothermic reaction ,this is released
3.Reddish brown layer formed on iron
21.  Rashi   observed  a brown  coloured deposition on  the  iron  gate of  her  home .Can  you  help  her to solve out  the  following  questions:
i. What  is  the  above  mentioned  process  called?
Ii  Name  any  two articles  where you  have  seen this  deposition.
iii. What   are  two  essential conditions  for  rusting?
iv. Write  down  the  reaction  involved  in this  reaction.
21. In a chemical reaction when iron nail is dipped in copper sulphate solution ,it is seen that blue colour of copper sulphate solution changes.
a) What type of change is occurring in this reaction?
b) The blue colour of copper sulphate changes to  _________ colour.
c) What changes is observed on iron nail?
d) copper sulphate + Iron ------à___________+______________
       22. Complete the flow chart   
Text Box: New substance formedText Box: Rusting of ironText Box: Melting of iceText Box:                                              Type of changes

1.    Speed = Distance x time(K)
                                    Do you think that the above formula is correct?

·         Short answer questions
1.    Convert 15 km/h into m/s
2.    Shiva went to Chandigarh which is 250 km from Delhi.He started from Delhi at 6 a.m and reached Chandigarh at 11 a.m.Find the average speed by which he travelled from Delhi to Chandigarh.
3.    A school bus covers a distance of 9700 m in 1000s .Calculate its speed.(
4.    A table below represents the distance travelled by a vehicle on a road.Draw distance –Time graph .What type of motion do you see?

Time (in m)
Distance(in km)
5.    Answer the following questions on the basis of data given:  

a) Calculate the average speed.
b) Which type of motion is depicted by the object?

                               Look at the diagram and answer the questions given:
a) Name point B.
b) Define Time period.
c) Which letters represent extreme position of the pendulum in the given diagram?
d) How do we define complete one oscillation?
e) A simple pendulum takes 0.5 seconds to complete 10 oscillations.What is the time period of the pendulum? 
7. Compare the following two graphs A ,B,C,D and E and describe the motion of the object.(K+U+A)

8. Look at the diagram and answer the questions given:
a) Name point B.(K)
b) Define Time period.(K)
c) Which letters represent extreme position of the pendulum in the given diagram? (K)
d) How do we define complete one oscillation?(U)
e) A simple pendulum takes 18 seconds to complete 10 oscillations. What is the time period of the pendulum?    
9. A table below represents the distance travelled by a vehicle on a road.Draw distance –Time graph .What type of motion do you see? (U)
Time (in m)
Distance(in km)

10.       a) Convert 45m/s  into     Km/h
            b) What is the SI unit of time? 

·         Very short answer questions
1.    What is an indicator used for?
2.    Which substance is represented by Ca(OH)2 ?
3.    What colour change would you observe in the litmus paper dipping in Soap solution?
4.    Give any two examples of synthetic  indicator.
5.    Give any two examples of natural indicator.
6.    What colour change would you observe in the litmus paper dipping in Hydrochloric acid?
·         short answer questions
7.    A farmer was unhappy because of his low crop yield.He discussed the problem with an agricultural scientist and learned  that the soil of his field was either acidic or too basic .Which remedy would you suggest the farmer to neutralize the soil?
8.    What is Neutralization reaction?Write word equation for the same.
9.    Shirish has a few bottles of soft drink in his shop.But ,unfortunately these are not labeled.He has to serve the drinks on the demand of customers .One customer wants acidic ,another wants basic and third one wants neutral drink.How will Shirish decide which drink is to be served  to whom?
10. complete the  Table(K)
Citric acid

Acetic acid

Amino acids
Present  in



11. Give reason:
                  a) Factory waste is neutralized before disposing it into water bodies.
                b) A farmer adds quick lime to his field.
                c) A shirt with turmeric stains turns red on applying soap
·         Very short answer questions
1.    A vein has valves. (T/F)
2.    A person can’t control his heartbeat. (T/F)
3.    . A person can’t live with one kidney(T/F)
4.    . What disease does a person suffer when excess glucose is found in urine?
5.     Diffusion of gases takes place through veins /capillaries
·         Short Answer questions
6.    Apart from kidneys,we have some more excretory organs. Name two such organs and waste products excreted by them.
7.    There are two different blood vessels for carrying pure and impure blood. How would you differentiate two blood vessels , arteries and veins.(Any three points
8.    During photosynthesis, two important processes occur in plants, TRANSPIRATION and TRANSLOCATION. How do they differ from each other.
9.   Heart is a pumping machine for us which functions continuously. It is made up of involuntary muscles.
 a. How would you define heartbeat?
 b. Name the instrument used to listen to the heartbeat.
            10. a)   What happens if waste accumulates in the body?
                 b)    Name two wastes produced in human.

·         Long answer questions

11.The human body has an organ “A’ which acts as pump. The organ ‘A’ pumps a liquid ‘B’ into the whole body continuously. The liquid B supplies the useful substance ’C’ and “D’ to all the body cells.
Answer the following:
1. Name A  and B
2. What is the colour of liquid B___
3. Name C and D.
12. Chiku’s Mother is suffering from kidney failure. His father decided to donate one of his kidneys to her so that she can survive.Answer the following on the basis of above mentioned passage.
1.    Which system of Chiku’s mother is getting affected due to kidney failure? Excretory or circulatory.
2.    Name two more parts  of the same system.
3     Which quality of chiku’s father is depicted from this passage?     
13. Sumita saw that some plants of her garden don’t get enough water, so they droop and with. She watered the plants sufficiently. 
(i)            Why plants droop and with on getting less water.
(ii)          Which quality of Sumita is depicted in this passage.
            14. Doctors always check your pulse, When you are unwell.
            a.    What is pulse rate?
            b.    What is the rate of pulse in human being
15.    Vikranta’s elder brother came to know about a blood donation camp. He went to the camp and donated blood. Answer the following question based on the above-mentioned passage.
i)        What is he minimum age for blood donation?
ii)         Will it cause any health problem to Vikram’s elder brother?
iii)        Which quality of Vikram’s brother is depicted from this            passage?
16.       a) What is excretion?
            b) Draw a well labeled diagram of Human Urinary System.

·         Very short answer questions
1.    Pick the odd one out:
            Lungs Bronchi,         Heart,             Alveoli
2.    Cellular respiration is a ____________ process. (Physical/Chemical)
3.    What disease does a person suffer when the air passage contract and the lining smell and breathing becomes difficult?
4.    Name the site for exchange of gases in lungs.
5.    The colour of blood is red due to ___________
·         Short Answer questions
6.    Complete the series (Process of Inhalation)
Nostrilsà                       àwind pipeàTracheaà

 Blood                                                                         Bronchiole
7.    Shreya feels that after she sweats a lot, her body becomes cool. Is she right? If yes,Why?
8.    Unscramble the words to get the parts of respiratory system.
c.   SONRTILS                _________________
d.  GUNLS                      _________________
e.  RTACAEH                 _________________
f.    RBONHCI                  _________________

8.    The chemical process of breakdown of food in the presence of         oxygen to produce energy is called respiration. It has two     types - aerobic and anaerobic
a.    Write the word equation for Aerobic Respiration.
b.         Which types of respiration produce more energy? (Aerobic /Anaerobic)
9. Reena coming back to class after games period feels her heart beat to be increased . Why does it happen?
10. Label the diagram

11.       Terms ‘Breathing’ and ‘Respiration’ sound same to Aushul. Do you agree with this? Justify your answer

·         Long answer questions
12.       a) Represent the process of Diffusion of gases in and out of a capillary through diagram.
            b) State any two differences in Aerobic  and Anaerobic respiration.
13.       Completed the crossword. 
            Across :
1.   Site for exchange of gases in lungs.
3.    Region between nasal cavity and tranches.
5.   Covers gills in fishes.
            Down :
            2.   Small opening in the back of trees for breathing.
            4.   Large flat muscles at the bottom of chest cavity.

·         Very short answer questions
.1. waste water generated from industrial activity is known as______________..
2..Snow and frost are _______ form of water.
3. The level of groundwater is called ___________.
4. Tick the correct one
   Polio/Flu/Cholera is a water born disease
5. When do we celebrate world water day?

·         Short Answer questions
6          Match the following:
i.Overpopulation                                  a.water pollution
ii.Human faeces                                   b.Water management
iii.chlorination                                       c.water scarcity
iv.reuse,reduce,recycle                        d.purification of water
7.         Manjari observed that inspite the presence of freshwater  on the earth ,we face the problem of water scarcity.Can you explain her the reason.
8          . Mansi suggests her mother not to throw cooking oil,paint,or grease into the kitchen drain. She explains her the harmful effect of it on sewage system.
Answer the following on the basis of above mentioned  passage.
a)Why is Mansi suggesting so to her mother?
b)Which quality of Mansi is depicted  from above passage.?
9.         a)Deforestation leads to less rain in an area.Why?
b)How does construction of concrete roads and building lead to depletion of water table?
10.       List three reasons which have lead to water scarcity in our country.
·         Long answer questions
11. Complete the crossword puzzle
a.emerges from glacier in the Himalayas
b.melts to become water it from pollution

a.small water reservoir
b.our planet
c.largest water body

12.       Draw a well labelled diagram of Water cycle in nature..

·         Very short answer questions
1. Give an example  of plant Parasite..
2..During photosynthesis, the ________________traps the  light       energy from the sun.
3. parasite:leech:: insectivorous plant : __________ 
4. Where does the bacterium Rhizobium live?
5. What do you understand by the term host?
6. Which chemical is used to find out the occurrence of photosynthesis?
·         Short Answer questions
.7.        Insectivorous plants can undergo the process of photosynthesis,still they trap insects.give reason.
8.         A plant has a part X which helps in exchange of gases..It has an opening called Y whichis surrounded by two z cells.Name X,Y and Z.
9.         The parts A of tree have a large no. of tiny pores B on their surface.Each pore is surrounded by a paired cell called C.The gas D present in air entrs through B and and utilized in food making process E.Gas F is released in this process.Name A,B,C,D,EandF.
10.       Draw a well labeled diagram showing the Opening and closing stomata.
11.       Write the chemical equation for photosynthesis.
12.       Differentiate between SAPROPHYTIC  and SYMBIOTIC mode of nutrition.
·         Long answer questions

What do you understand by the term nutrition?Nane two major types of mode of nutrition in plants and differentiate them.Also tell why do pickles spoil in Rainy season.

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